What keeps you going in life?
I love people. I always have and always will. I love different cultures, traveling, different personalities and people's life stories. When Chris and I would go to the beach together before we had kids and could just kick back and relax, we would people watch. We'd ask one another, "What do you think their story is about?" Everyone has a life story and is in the midst of living it out.
As missionaries, presently in language school, there's not alot of hanging out on the beaches watching people....but there is alot of people around us..everywhere and plenty to observe. Our primary mode of getting around here in Peru is by walking, cycling or riding an overcrowded bus....with yet again...loads of people. Plenty to observe and wonder, "What's their story about?" And I've been doing just that...wondering about what drives them in life and do they know their creator?
I realize that the world at large has lost people within it, but something about being removed from the 'bible belt' and being surrounded by several different types of people really challenges your faith and reveals your weaknesses and strengths in your relationship with Christ. When I speak with some of my English nonbeliever friends, I am constantly asking myself, "What drives them in life? What is their source of joy and peace?" It has also been revealed to me, that I really didn't have many non believers as friends in the states because I was so busy doing 'church' activities that I wasn't involved in people's lives who needed the gospel the most. I have made some really close friends here that are nonbelievers and had actually forgotten the mentality of life before Christ. I am so thankful that God is re-opening my eyes to why we are here and why the message of the cross is needed!
Then, I'll be walking to the market, observing many peruvians with blank expressions, and stares...some digging through trash in our neighborhood, and some walking their kids to preschool up the road...and again I ask myself, "What drives them in life? What is their source of joy and peace?" These questions are most recently at the forefront of my mind constantly. I have known Christ for quite a long time now and honestly it's hard for me to remember where my drive for life came from without Him. I remember how He saved and redeemed me from my selfish, rebellious life and I am always reminded why I need Him as my Savior as I try to die daily to self and live through Him. But what did I live for before Christ?
Sidenote: In the future, I do plan on somehow taking a survey of these questions "What drives you in life and what brings you joy?" and do a follow up blog to this because I think this is a remarkable question and hugely significant to life. But for now, my best guess is relationships. Think about it...from a wordly viewpoint....a typical life entails...education, work, family, friends. We are born into a family and from our youth we are placed in a school setting in order to increase our knowledge so that we can learn a trade, get a career and ultimately function as responsible, independent citizens in society and hopefully give back to our community. It's the rat race of life isn't it? The normal pattern of the world for all mankind. Everyone's race looks different yes, but ultimately...our life goals are all the same...go to school, get a job, marry someone (perhaps), have kids (perhaps) and live happily ever after...right?
But what is that 'happily' part all about? What gives the rat race it's drive or better...where's the joy in all of it? Why even go through it all? Not meaning to be morbid here...but what's the point? More degrees and education? for more money? for more stuff? for more bills? What keeps people moving along in life? RELATIONSHIPS
I really feel that in the grand scheme of our life here on earth...it all boils down to our relationships, first and foremost with our Father, Savior and Redeemer and then everyone else He places in our path along the way. Whether you know Christ or not...relationships seem to be what keep people going in life. It's why social medias such as: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.. are incredibly popular! We long to connect to others. It's why we read books, magazines, novels...to relate to the characters, to read about the relationships in the stories. It's why TV, Netflix and the Internet are huge successes...we all want to watch what happens next in the TV series on Netflix...what will become of Oliver Queen and Felicity...yes I watch The Arrow...and just like you...I love people and relationships. etc.
So what does this have to do with anything and why am I babbling about relationships? Honestly....because I've been asking God lately... "How will I be content living in a remote village in a few months with nothing to do?" I fear boredom! and God is tenderly showing me that the thing that brings us the most joy in life comes from relationships...first with Him and second with his creation. It doesn't come from the activities in life, the tasks, the projects...it comes from the relationships we have in the midst of our life. He is telling me that no matter where He may send us in our lifetime...the ultimate joy will come from our relationship of knowing Him and in forming relationships with others.
After-all, when we look back at the beginning of the creation of the world ...God created man ..the first relationship and first priority (our relationship with our creator) ....then he gave man a helper..family...friends etc.... (secondary relationships) . We also see scribes asking Jesus "What is the greatest commandment?" and Jesus replied "..love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind...and the second is to love thy neighbor as thyself." Once again, putting relationships as the most important and the order being the same as in the beginning of creation...relationship with God and Jesus first and with others second.
So..what drives us in life? In the midst of the rat race...what's the thing that God values the most? Let's get to it in 2016 and run the race that God has set before us with perseverance! Press on!
Happy New Year!!!
Chris and Ashley Harris
As missionaries, presently in language school, there's not alot of hanging out on the beaches watching people....but there is alot of people around us..everywhere and plenty to observe. Our primary mode of getting around here in Peru is by walking, cycling or riding an overcrowded bus....with yet again...loads of people. Plenty to observe and wonder, "What's their story about?" And I've been doing just that...wondering about what drives them in life and do they know their creator?
I realize that the world at large has lost people within it, but something about being removed from the 'bible belt' and being surrounded by several different types of people really challenges your faith and reveals your weaknesses and strengths in your relationship with Christ. When I speak with some of my English nonbeliever friends, I am constantly asking myself, "What drives them in life? What is their source of joy and peace?" It has also been revealed to me, that I really didn't have many non believers as friends in the states because I was so busy doing 'church' activities that I wasn't involved in people's lives who needed the gospel the most. I have made some really close friends here that are nonbelievers and had actually forgotten the mentality of life before Christ. I am so thankful that God is re-opening my eyes to why we are here and why the message of the cross is needed!
Then, I'll be walking to the market, observing many peruvians with blank expressions, and stares...some digging through trash in our neighborhood, and some walking their kids to preschool up the road...and again I ask myself, "What drives them in life? What is their source of joy and peace?" These questions are most recently at the forefront of my mind constantly. I have known Christ for quite a long time now and honestly it's hard for me to remember where my drive for life came from without Him. I remember how He saved and redeemed me from my selfish, rebellious life and I am always reminded why I need Him as my Savior as I try to die daily to self and live through Him. But what did I live for before Christ?
Sidenote: In the future, I do plan on somehow taking a survey of these questions "What drives you in life and what brings you joy?" and do a follow up blog to this because I think this is a remarkable question and hugely significant to life. But for now, my best guess is relationships. Think about it...from a wordly viewpoint....a typical life entails...education, work, family, friends. We are born into a family and from our youth we are placed in a school setting in order to increase our knowledge so that we can learn a trade, get a career and ultimately function as responsible, independent citizens in society and hopefully give back to our community. It's the rat race of life isn't it? The normal pattern of the world for all mankind. Everyone's race looks different yes, but ultimately...our life goals are all the same...go to school, get a job, marry someone (perhaps), have kids (perhaps) and live happily ever after...right?
But what is that 'happily' part all about? What gives the rat race it's drive or better...where's the joy in all of it? Why even go through it all? Not meaning to be morbid here...but what's the point? More degrees and education? for more money? for more stuff? for more bills? What keeps people moving along in life? RELATIONSHIPS
I really feel that in the grand scheme of our life here on earth...it all boils down to our relationships, first and foremost with our Father, Savior and Redeemer and then everyone else He places in our path along the way. Whether you know Christ or not...relationships seem to be what keep people going in life. It's why social medias such as: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.. are incredibly popular! We long to connect to others. It's why we read books, magazines, novels...to relate to the characters, to read about the relationships in the stories. It's why TV, Netflix and the Internet are huge successes...we all want to watch what happens next in the TV series on Netflix...what will become of Oliver Queen and Felicity...yes I watch The Arrow...and just like you...I love people and relationships. etc.
So what does this have to do with anything and why am I babbling about relationships? Honestly....because I've been asking God lately... "How will I be content living in a remote village in a few months with nothing to do?" I fear boredom! and God is tenderly showing me that the thing that brings us the most joy in life comes from relationships...first with Him and second with his creation. It doesn't come from the activities in life, the tasks, the projects...it comes from the relationships we have in the midst of our life. He is telling me that no matter where He may send us in our lifetime...the ultimate joy will come from our relationship of knowing Him and in forming relationships with others.
After-all, when we look back at the beginning of the creation of the world ...God created man ..the first relationship and first priority (our relationship with our creator) ....then he gave man a helper..family...friends etc.... (secondary relationships) . We also see scribes asking Jesus "What is the greatest commandment?" and Jesus replied "..love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind...and the second is to love thy neighbor as thyself." Once again, putting relationships as the most important and the order being the same as in the beginning of creation...relationship with God and Jesus first and with others second.
So..what drives us in life? In the midst of the rat race...what's the thing that God values the most? Let's get to it in 2016 and run the race that God has set before us with perseverance! Press on!
Happy New Year!!!
Chris and Ashley Harris
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