What is the role of short term missions teams?
It's finally here! We have lived in Peru for over a year in the great city of Lima. We've accumulated enough language to communicate. Now, we have less than 2 weeks until we pack up again and leave for the mountains. We are feeling all kinds of emotions!
Chris has been visiting our home every other week for about 2 months, preparing for our arrival. Some of the villagers are now calling him 'vacino' which means neighbor! That is a great starting point as we begin to develop meaningful relationships with the people there. He's taken about 3 different teams from our National Church and they've been making great progress on our house.
We cannot brag enough on our heavenly Father for all of His provisions in our process. We continue to learn that He is the potter and we are the clay. We are learning to trust Him more and more and that He is faithful and is a good God. I can't imagine what He has in store for our family and the people of Ayaviri.
As we are in transition mode..our hearts are aching as well because we are leaving behind all of our friends here in the city. We so much want to take them with us! It's been nice having some English speakers to help us navigate our new country and to be able
to make close friendships with people at our kids' schools and our church here. We have been blessed by all of the people God has placed in our lives and are grateful for His provision. As we look ahead, there are so many unknowns that we will face, but we know God is going to continue to guide us and reveal His plan.
One of the discussions that has been on the forefront of our minds has been about hosting our short term teams that will come from our supporting churches in the states. Once we live among our new neighbors, our approach will change as we befriend and learn about their culture and worldview. The shot-gun missions approach will no longer make sense or be necessary once we live in our village. So our prayer and question has been what will hosting short term teams look like for us? Or the greater question: What role short-term trips can play in the church's long-term goals among the nations?
First, we'd like to say that we think short-term trips are instrumental in the advancing of the gospel. Afterall, it's what God used to draw us to the field in Peru. Seeing the way church functions outside your own culture gives you a bigger picture of our God, trusting in Him and how He works within other cultures is an experience that all believers should be a part of.
Since being here, I've had over 4 people wanting to bring teams from their churches to assist us, not including our 2 main supporting churches. What a praise that God is moving the hearts of His children to reach the nations!! Even though we'd love to say 'Send them all!' , we want to be wise and ask God what His plan is for our village and we want to be completely in line with His vision, even if it means saying 'not now' to teams willing to come..as hard as that may sound.
As we've been praying and seeking the Lord about this subject..I came across an article on the 'Desiring God' John Piper website entitled "There's Nothing Short About Short-Term Missions" It's an article , written by Dr. Ramon Lull, a physician who was a missionary in East Africa. As I read it, I felt it raised some good points to think about concerning the role of short term teams. So, I will attach the article's link within this blog and ask that you pray first for our family and for our final preparations as we prepare to move in the coming weeks to Ayaviri, second for God's vision to be clear as we approach our village and third for sensitivity to what God intends to say to you as you read the article in relations to short term mission trips!
Chris and I feel so blessed to have teams 2-4 times a year, take time out of their busy schedules to come and love on us and encourage us in our journey here. We always look forward to seeing their faces and to be able to speak some English with them...ok..and eat the candy and peanut butter they bring us each time too;) We love you all, miss you deeply and pray that your faith in Christ Jesus will continue to give you boldness to share the gospel and that it will bear fruit and grow, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it!
With love...Co-laborers in Christ,
Harris Family

We cannot brag enough on our heavenly Father for all of His provisions in our process. We continue to learn that He is the potter and we are the clay. We are learning to trust Him more and more and that He is faithful and is a good God. I can't imagine what He has in store for our family and the people of Ayaviri.

One of the discussions that has been on the forefront of our minds has been about hosting our short term teams that will come from our supporting churches in the states. Once we live among our new neighbors, our approach will change as we befriend and learn about their culture and worldview. The shot-gun missions approach will no longer make sense or be necessary once we live in our village. So our prayer and question has been what will hosting short term teams look like for us? Or the greater question: What role short-term trips can play in the church's long-term goals among the nations?
First, we'd like to say that we think short-term trips are instrumental in the advancing of the gospel. Afterall, it's what God used to draw us to the field in Peru. Seeing the way church functions outside your own culture gives you a bigger picture of our God, trusting in Him and how He works within other cultures is an experience that all believers should be a part of.
Since being here, I've had over 4 people wanting to bring teams from their churches to assist us, not including our 2 main supporting churches. What a praise that God is moving the hearts of His children to reach the nations!! Even though we'd love to say 'Send them all!' , we want to be wise and ask God what His plan is for our village and we want to be completely in line with His vision, even if it means saying 'not now' to teams willing to come..as hard as that may sound.

Chris and I feel so blessed to have teams 2-4 times a year, take time out of their busy schedules to come and love on us and encourage us in our journey here. We always look forward to seeing their faces and to be able to speak some English with them...ok..and eat the candy and peanut butter they bring us each time too;) We love you all, miss you deeply and pray that your faith in Christ Jesus will continue to give you boldness to share the gospel and that it will bear fruit and grow, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it!
With love...Co-laborers in Christ,
Harris Family
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