Why are you not being sent by the IMB (International Mission Board)

Because we are members of a Baptist Church, this has been a very confusing question for everyone:) Why are you guys fundraising? I thought you went to a Baptist Church...so you will be sent by the IMB right? 

First off, we love the IMB (International Mission Board)! and would love it  if that was the plan God had for Chris and me, but His ways are higher than our ways.  What makes sense to us ,isn't typically what God has in mind... we are discovering;)  

We looked into hopping on the IMB train.  We have spoken with many IMB missionaries, personell etc.. I really wanted that to be the route for us because it is familar and tested etc...Their level of training and support for missionaries is wonderful!  However, we knew God wanted us in South America when most of their missionaries are being sent to areas in the middle east, and Asia.  This does not mean they don't send or have missionaries in the Americas, they absolutely do...but not specifically in Ayaviri, Peru...which is where God wanted us to stay. 

The cool thing, is that the IMB is trying their best to be good stewards of the money that is given to them and have and continue to create programs that partner with local churches.  Their latest program is called GC2..(Great commision 2). It is relatively new but serves to come alongside local churches to help them get missionaries to the field of their choosing by training them like regular IMB missionaries.  Chris and I would have been great candidates for this program, but when skyping with IMB staff in Lima, looking over the costs for all of the training and language requirements, and through much prayer..God said "I have a different plan for your family."   

God's Plan
I'll admit...this was crushing for me (Ashley) because  I am a mega planner...and it made me feel insecure.  It meant , we were going to have to lean on God 100% with the Holy Spirt leading...which, we as Americans ,are completely not used to doing. We are so self sufficient..and  have so many resources at our fingertips that we do not know what it means to completely rely on God.  I don't know what that feels like.  And so the trust and obedience began!

From that moment, I had to relinquish control....complete control over to God.  Why is that so hard for us anyways??? It shouldn't be..but it is super tough to trust and let someone else lead, plan and direct our lives.  So we are...Chris and I are daily on our knees, depending on the Holy Spirit to tell us the next step to take.  It is so hard for me to not run ahead, rush or take things back so we stay in prayer asking!  

Verse I'm clinging to: 
 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God,who gives generously to all without reporach, and it will be given him.  But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.      James 1:5-7

So this is why we are fundraising:) 
Our ministry will be supported 100% by a team of committed individuals who pray for us and invest financially in our ministry to the people of Peru.  If you feel led to partner with us please go to the website at the bottom of this blog and keep PRAYING!  



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