Hola a todos!
Shane celebrating his 7th bday |
Its hard to believe its already April! It seems like just yesterday we were landing here with no experience, minimal language, and many other unknowns. How time flies! We have been living in Lima Peru for a little over 2 months! We can understand alot more Spanish now and know a good bit of grammar. We have been to 3 national churches, interpol (international police station), immigration and the infamous Jockey Plaza (this place has every name brand store that I've ever known) We've celebrated our firstborn's 7th birthday and are becoming experts at riding taxis, collectivos, combis, motortaxis and buses. Life continues to be a hilarious, learning adventure!
Loving some Spanish
The hilarious part usually refers to our zeal without knowledge communication style:) Just the other day, I was on the bus and the guy asked in Spanish "Where do you get off?" The wonderful fluent speaker that I am said confidently in Spanish..." I am from the United States" Then he laughed ....I laughed...I then realized what he really asked me and responded correctly. This happens just about everyday, and I just laugh and keep on trying:) Chris speaks much smoother than me at this point..I am the Spanish dictionary, and he can put the sentences together. Together, we work really well actually...individually...we are just plain funny. So, his laughs come from incorrect vocab use...like 'mayor-older' or 'mejor-better' . He was working with someone telling him that the sound system is so much older and the way it sounded was alot older.....instead of this sounds better now that it is fixed.
Then there are the boys who have their moments too! Shane asks me why we are singing a song about 'Saturday' during worship at church because he hears 'sabado' when really we are singing about 'El Salvador' which means the Savior...lol! Brooks blurts out random spanish phrases while I'm shopping in the market...like 'claro que si- which means 'of course' and singing 'salta salta salta hijitos-which means jump jump jump little children". Of course this is much cuter than our language practice:) I am also discovering that my gringo kids are the noisiest and loudest in every store I enter...everywhere I go, the people smile and say 'que lindo...pelirojos- which is "aww cute little redheads" All in all, we are moving forward in our language learning and having a great time practicing.
Developing Friendships
Dinner with the Dassow Family |
Brooks and Elias |
We continue to be amazed at how much God's hand is in our everyday lives! He has so wonderfully organized all of the details of us being here..who we meet...where we live...attend church etc... We are so undeserving of all of His love..it is truly humbling! He has brought such great people in our lives and we are developing great friendships that will be hard to leave once we move to Ayaviri , but leaving is integral to the missionary life we are discovering more and more. We have become closer friends with our American/Peruvian neighbors on the 3rd floor above us. They have a Bahi faith. Chris and I are enjoying hanging out with them and sharing with them. Brooks is becoming fast friends with their 3 year old Elias and always invites him over to play ninjas or legos:)
Many of our other neighbors are also missionaries. They are from everywhere ( Korea, Holland, Canada, London etc..)! It is so cool to hear sooo many different languages spoken here. Chris and I have met many families who are American women married to Peruvian men..many of whom attend our new church. Our kids love playing together and are meeting new friends all the time! Friendships are growing.
Our Peru Church
Pastor Andy Pace and Family |
Vida Nueva Easter Morning |
Our new church here is called Vida Nueva -New Life and it is bilingual. We attend the Spanish service and the Sunday School time is English and Spanish taught which for now is my favorite! We have attended about 5 times now and really love the people. The pastor was born in the mountains of Peru (I'm sure by no coincidence that God lead us to this church:) . Many of the songs are the same that we sang at Fletcher but just in Spanish...so I'm loving that! I've been talking with one of the ladies there about singing with the praise band...she randomly asked me over lunch if I liked to sing and if I would be interested!!! umm of course!! Also, Shane attended Sunday School for the first time this past Sunday and we enjoyed it. I realized during his class that if I were to help in his class this would give me a great opportunity to practice biblestorying first in English and merge into Spanish since its a bilingual class and taught both ways. I am meeting with the Sunday School director this Wednesday to set up a rotation of sorts. Then, Chris has already been asked to help fix a computer video issue and traveled to help another guy we know with his video and sound at his church. It's funny how we are falling into the same positions in Peru that we soo loved serving in at Fletcher. It makes me smile! And during it all...it is increasing our language as we get to serve where we love to serve and practice our Spanish at the same time. Like I said earlier... God is incredibly faithful, loving and so in the details of our lives!
Team Ayaviri-April
Chris with our tutor Esteban preparing to go to Ayaviri |
Tony, John, Kristin and Pastor Chris Fowler |
Chris was excited to meet up with our first team that came a few days ago ready to head up to Ayaviri! We have been in much prayer about our April team. The roads have been unpassable for a while due to alot of rain in the mountains, but God brought out the sun and dried up all the rain and the itsy bitsy spi
der crawled up the spout again;) The team arrived there safely. The roads were fine-God is in control! Chris called me today and said that they have had wonderful conversations with 2 different men that seem to be 'seekers'. This means that they are the ones pursuing us for answers! Praise God!!! This may be why Chris and I were so quickly sent here because God is moving hearts amongst these people and He needs His church to engage:) I have zero doubt and know that God is definitely up to something in Ayaviri. My heart knows it and it continues to be affirmed with each visit we've made so far. Very encouraging! I am on the edge of my chair anticipating good reports with their return...I have tears typing this as I miss Ayaviri with a longing in my heart for the people there. I so badly wanted to go but know that this is not my time yet..not God's timing for us yet. His timing is perfect:) As Chris is in the mountains with the team, and kids in school, I am immersing myself into language by assisting a friend at her Spanish Christian School...teaching about autobiographies in spanish...sharing about myself and being interviewed...and biblystorying during christian ed time! Again...serving in a way I love!!! God is ridiculously loving and in the details!
In conclusion

We love it here! The warm open arms, the food is amazing, the sunshine, beautiful parks and mountains, and mainly because God wants us here! We love it here because we love to be where God wants us to be. He makes our path perfect, straight and clear. As we continue to yield and trust in His plans..we are filled with joy..no matter who we are around or where we travel..we love it because we love Him! This doesn't mean that its always easy-it absolutely is not. Language is humbling, transitions are hard on the kiddos and pull at a mamas heart to leave her baby crying because he doesn't want to go to spanish school today. Walking in the hot sun to get groceries and then walking hands full all the way back..with kids in tow..is tough most days. But its just a different tough. No tougher than living in the states..just a different tough. And God promises that he will be with us over and over and over again in the bible and He really is!!! (Do not fear for I am WITH you...I will strengthen you and help you , I will uphold you with my righteous right hand/ When you walk through the fire I will be WITH you/ The Lord himself goes before you/The Lord will be WITH you wherever you go) He is truly WITH us and delights in us trusting in Him!
Our dateday to immigration:) |
If you'd like to take a look into our village..enjoy the video below ( its a little long..11 min.)
Ashley, I am so thankful for your blog. It gives me hope that we will be able to learn the language and get around Peru as well. I can't wait until the Pope family is there with you in Peru! Blessings! Jennifer Pope