Step Out...even when you can't see where you're going
So its here! We have hit the half- year mark in Peru. We've lived here for 6 months...really? only 6 months?? It really seems quite longer than that..but in a good way. I'd have to say the first half went well, but sort of like lifting weights for the first time...strenuous, tiresome and hard. We feel stronger now...adapting..talking..knowing our way around and finally making national friends. During our first year here, our focus is on language and I'm pleased to say we are progressing! Of course, now that we are progressing in language...God is saying 'ok..time to start using it for me-time to Step Out of the boat'. He is always saying 'Come, follow me, and Step Out'.
Why is stepping out so hard though? I've learned that the more I trust in Christ, it definitely gets easier and then wham..He goes and takes it to a new level again. He never stops forming us into His image....and though it hurts..I am grateful for it. I'm glad He is the vine and we are the branches and when we abide in Him we bear fruit! I take great comfort in knowing He is the 'masterbuilder' as my lego movie friends would say:) I just need to be still and follow His instructions.
When we first knew we were going to move to Peru, God continued to whisper to us Deuteronomy 31:8 - "It is (I) the Lord, who goes before you (I) will be with you; (I) will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. " Well, I knew that it was going to be hard to completely rely on God. Yes, I trust Him, but I don't always know what He's up to and how He wants to accomplish it..
So here we are again...afraid and trying to trust Him some more.
A few people have asked Chris to fill in and preach to their congregations in Spanish..and while he hasn't quite felt God saying yes to those opportunities just yet..God is beginning to take our training wheels off and say Step Out. I've also been given the opportunity to teach aerobics to Peruvian women and then have a devotional/fellowship time afterwards. God is saying 'Step Out' and I'm nervous once again. I don't feel ready to use my language and teach..but God doesn't wait until we're ready I've decided:) He likes us when we are weak and mold-able so He can use us and show His strength in our weakness. It is scary and humbling and yet glorifying to Him. He knows that we are afraid to follow Him...this is why there are so many verses about not be not strong and courageous. He knows we are insecure and afraid and its true- we are! But He is a good God and so loving and deserving of our praise and trust.

There are so many things ahead for our family and I have no clue in which ways God wants to use us. We have prayed and have come to Peru with an objective and a plan that has ALOT of room for God to switch things around whenever He wants. That being said..I could have never told you 2 years ago I'd be teaching aerobics in Spanish to women in Peru and sharing God's word with them...I mean really? What's sweet is that God sometimes uses our natural disposition, talents, gifts that He's given us, mixed with new challenges and then asks us to trust Him and then uses ALL of it to bring Him glory and to make His name known throughout the Earth! How cool is that?? He really does know us intimately. He is our creator, and sustainer of all things. He is powerful and all knowing.
In Habakkuk 3:19 amp version is says " The Lord God is my strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army; He makes my feet like hinds feet and will make me to walk not to stand still in terror, but to walk and to make spiritual progress upon my high places of trouble, suffering or responsibility." Wow! He has given us His Son, and the holy spirit to guide us so we have nothing to fear.

When we first knew we were going to move to Peru, God continued to whisper to us Deuteronomy 31:8 - "It is (I) the Lord, who goes before you (I) will be with you; (I) will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. " Well, I knew that it was going to be hard to completely rely on God. Yes, I trust Him, but I don't always know what He's up to and how He wants to accomplish it..
So here we are again...afraid and trying to trust Him some more.
A few people have asked Chris to fill in and preach to their congregations in Spanish..and while he hasn't quite felt God saying yes to those opportunities just yet..God is beginning to take our training wheels off and say Step Out. I've also been given the opportunity to teach aerobics to Peruvian women and then have a devotional/fellowship time afterwards. God is saying 'Step Out' and I'm nervous once again. I don't feel ready to use my language and teach..but God doesn't wait until we're ready I've decided:) He likes us when we are weak and mold-able so He can use us and show His strength in our weakness. It is scary and humbling and yet glorifying to Him. He knows that we are afraid to follow Him...this is why there are so many verses about not be not strong and courageous. He knows we are insecure and afraid and its true- we are! But He is a good God and so loving and deserving of our praise and trust.

There are so many things ahead for our family and I have no clue in which ways God wants to use us. We have prayed and have come to Peru with an objective and a plan that has ALOT of room for God to switch things around whenever He wants. That being said..I could have never told you 2 years ago I'd be teaching aerobics in Spanish to women in Peru and sharing God's word with them...I mean really? What's sweet is that God sometimes uses our natural disposition, talents, gifts that He's given us, mixed with new challenges and then asks us to trust Him and then uses ALL of it to bring Him glory and to make His name known throughout the Earth! How cool is that?? He really does know us intimately. He is our creator, and sustainer of all things. He is powerful and all knowing.
In Habakkuk 3:19 amp version is says " The Lord God is my strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army; He makes my feet like hinds feet and will make me to walk not to stand still in terror, but to walk and to make spiritual progress upon my high places of trouble, suffering or responsibility." Wow! He has given us His Son, and the holy spirit to guide us so we have nothing to fear.
He won't let you go
So what are you waiting for?
What do you have to lose?
Your insecurities..they try to alter you
but you know you're made for more
so don't be afraid to move
Your faith is all it takes
in you can walk on the water too
-Britt Nicole
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