Goodness does not exist apart from God
And...three months later...I finally get around to updating our blog:( Sorry guys! I tend to just do the readers digest version on facebook mainly and post snapshots of our time in Peru with pictures and comments here and there. So, now it is time for the thinking heartfelt stuff right:)? Well, without further delay..let's commence!
One thing I have realized since being taken out of my culture, is deeper dependence and trust in our Lord. Many circumstances can bring us closer to him...sickness, death, anything that is beyond our control, which is illusive altogether. It's funny how much control we humans think we have over our world and how much we want to be God, robbing Him of His Glory and Majesty! In this dependence on Him, Chris and I have begun to see just how much God is working behind the scenes on our behalf, and what a deceiver Satan really is.
As I type this, I am eating an apple and literally reminded of how Adam and Eve rebelled against God in the beginning..believing the lies of Satan, convincing us that our God is not good and is somehow withholding goodness from us. Imagine! Adam and Eve...perfect creations......who both had a PERFECT relationship with God..walked and talked with Him constantly and were convinced by Satan that God was holding out on them. This, I feel, is the oldest and #1 lie that Satan still uses
against us today, the lie that says: God is Not Good and cannot be trusted.
If we truly believed that God was good, then we would allow Him to control and direct our every circumstance. We would constantly be asking for His direction and allow him to move in our lives. And yet, we just continue to let Satan deceive us again and again. We believe the illusions, the constant mirages that he throws at us that are NOT REAL and don't satisfy our deepest desires.
I recently had a conversation with someone who said this "Ashley, I envy people who have joy. I feel like no matter what I do, it's never enough. I always thought..when I find a partner whom I love-then that will make me happy..but I still feel something missing...I thought- when I have a secure job..then I will feel joy..but no...I always want more and it's never enough...nothing is ever enough...a new car, a nice home...having kids...winning best salesperson at my job...finally having the body I've always wanted..I always want more-why is that?"
Of course....I'm listening with a grin on my face...and I reply to this someone "You know why none of these things are not enough." And this person does know deep down inside why they are dis-satisfied in life, but continues to believe the #1 lie - God is Not Good and cannot be trusted. So, this someone doesn't trust God and continues on the path to try to discover what is good and satisfying and always ends up STARVING. Why? Because we were created for HIS GLORY and not our own. We have to feed ourselves with Him or we feel dissatisfied ALWAYS!
Every time I read Paul's words in Philippians I am AMAZED!!
"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."
I mean really??? How is this possible?? I have this conversation with God literally everyday. God show me like you showed Paul. He KNEW you so deeply that you were his EVERYTHING. He found true satisfaction in our father!! This is so huge!! He fully trusted God and didn't believe the #1 lie : God is not good and cannot be trusted.
I'm not sure exactly what it is about living here, but since we've been here..I am keenly aware of how much I am tempted to believe the #1 lie. It's craaazzzy! I know God is good.....don't I ? Then why does my heart wander towards the mirages that Satan presents to me. Knowing how God operates, I wonder if maybe He is allowing this struggle to work in my heart so that my passion for sharing the gospel grows stronger and bolder than before. By allowing me to experience the pull of the world, it reminds me of the real battle that is going on. It reveals how much we all need the gospel and in turn, quickens my prayers and my diligence to studying His word..arming myself against the lies of Satan and preparing me to teach others how to do the same...this is.... after-all...... why we have come to Peru!
God is doing so many things among us in Peru, that I'm not even sure how to accurately explain all that He is doing. He is uniquely preparing Chris and I for the distinct roles He wants us to play here in the city and in a few months in Ayaviri. Chris has been developing deeper, meaningful relationships with the men in the village...He has been having great discussions with some deacons and our 2 pastors of our church here in the city. His language is ever increasing and he can now speak in front of larger groups in Spanish. I continue to be wife and mommy with my domestic
responsibilities as well as teach aerobics and God's word in Spanish each Tuesday morning. Also, beginning next week, I will have the opportunity to disciple 2 women (in English) on Wednesday mornings before my language class and am really looking forward to that. Its neat how God has created all of these opportunities preparing us for His future ministry in the mountains while meeting needs here as well! He is a good God and can ALWAYS be trusted!!
Our desire is to be able to fully depend on Him and trust Him with every circumstance. We long to know God the way that Paul knew Him. We want to be content in all circumstances regardless of the environment around us. We truly believe in our church's mission statement back home "Our purpose is to make reproducing disciples who treasure Christ supremely, engage the lost in word or deed, and intentionally foster genuine relationships of growth and change." We want to TRUST Him and KNOW that is is a good God, to treasure Him supremely...... and no longer believe the #1 lie.
We are doing this by remembering this truth: There is no goodness apart from God. Some people assume God is angry most of the time and that his favor only lasts a moment, but the Bible tells us it's just the opposite! God's goodness is ongoing and never runs out. His favor is always around us, on us, and with us. In fact, GOODNESS DOES NOT EXIST APART FROM GOD; it did not originate on its own-aside of, or apart from Him. God is the source of all goodness and all good things and He is so worthy of our trust and adoration!
James 1:17
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father or lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. "
One thing I have realized since being taken out of my culture, is deeper dependence and trust in our Lord. Many circumstances can bring us closer to him...sickness, death, anything that is beyond our control, which is illusive altogether. It's funny how much control we humans think we have over our world and how much we want to be God, robbing Him of His Glory and Majesty! In this dependence on Him, Chris and I have begun to see just how much God is working behind the scenes on our behalf, and what a deceiver Satan really is.

against us today, the lie that says: God is Not Good and cannot be trusted.
If we truly believed that God was good, then we would allow Him to control and direct our every circumstance. We would constantly be asking for His direction and allow him to move in our lives. And yet, we just continue to let Satan deceive us again and again. We believe the illusions, the constant mirages that he throws at us that are NOT REAL and don't satisfy our deepest desires.

Of course....I'm listening with a grin on my face...and I reply to this someone "You know why none of these things are not enough." And this person does know deep down inside why they are dis-satisfied in life, but continues to believe the #1 lie - God is Not Good and cannot be trusted. So, this someone doesn't trust God and continues on the path to try to discover what is good and satisfying and always ends up STARVING. Why? Because we were created for HIS GLORY and not our own. We have to feed ourselves with Him or we feel dissatisfied ALWAYS!
Every time I read Paul's words in Philippians I am AMAZED!!
"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."
I mean really??? How is this possible?? I have this conversation with God literally everyday. God show me like you showed Paul. He KNEW you so deeply that you were his EVERYTHING. He found true satisfaction in our father!! This is so huge!! He fully trusted God and didn't believe the #1 lie : God is not good and cannot be trusted.
I'm not sure exactly what it is about living here, but since we've been here..I am keenly aware of how much I am tempted to believe the #1 lie. It's craaazzzy! I know God is good.....don't I ? Then why does my heart wander towards the mirages that Satan presents to me. Knowing how God operates, I wonder if maybe He is allowing this struggle to work in my heart so that my passion for sharing the gospel grows stronger and bolder than before. By allowing me to experience the pull of the world, it reminds me of the real battle that is going on. It reveals how much we all need the gospel and in turn, quickens my prayers and my diligence to studying His word..arming myself against the lies of Satan and preparing me to teach others how to do the same...this is.... after-all...... why we have come to Peru!
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Chris sharing about our ministry in Ayaviri |
responsibilities as well as teach aerobics and God's word in Spanish each Tuesday morning. Also, beginning next week, I will have the opportunity to disciple 2 women (in English) on Wednesday mornings before my language class and am really looking forward to that. Its neat how God has created all of these opportunities preparing us for His future ministry in the mountains while meeting needs here as well! He is a good God and can ALWAYS be trusted!!

We are doing this by remembering this truth: There is no goodness apart from God. Some people assume God is angry most of the time and that his favor only lasts a moment, but the Bible tells us it's just the opposite! God's goodness is ongoing and never runs out. His favor is always around us, on us, and with us. In fact, GOODNESS DOES NOT EXIST APART FROM GOD; it did not originate on its own-aside of, or apart from Him. God is the source of all goodness and all good things and He is so worthy of our trust and adoration!
James 1:17
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father or lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. "
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Shane and Brooks making friends in Ayaviri |
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Preparing for a Christmas play (we're shepherds!) |
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