First, let me say, we had a wonderful trip to the states in October and November. It was great seeing everyone and reconnecting. The love poured out over us was undeserving and so refreshing. It seems just when we need it, God encourages us through you guys and we can't say thank you enough.
Our last post was in August and God is continuing to amaze us with his plans for Ayaviri. You know, you read the verse in the bible that says 'man makes his plans but the Lord directs his steps' and we are experiencing that daily in our village. One thing I'm realizing, is how much I depended on my knowledge, teacher training, and books when it comes to teaching God's word and discipleship. God is teaching me how to lean on Him and what His plan looks like. This is proving harder than I thought but so beautiful.
Singing worship songs with Fermina |
I continued to cry out to Him for guidance on how to go about discipleship with Fermina then God encouraged me greatly as I got a taste of how His plan was going to look. I was meeting with Fermina at her house and 2 other ladies came by...all with their 8 month old babies wrapped up on their backs;) Fermina had asked me to share some bible stories with her about idolatry since that is practiced in the villlage...the worship of saints each month. I began sharing about Moses and the golden calf and then also shadrach, meshach and abednego being delivered from the fiery furnace. After I lady had alot of questions...and then it happened...immediately after that..Fermina retold the story beautifully, in a way I couldn't...explaining things to her...looking to me for assurance and answering her friend's questions.
I smiled at God's plan....realizing...I can teach a handful of people, and then, they explain it in a way more clearly. Before this, I struggled with not being able to communicate in Spanish as eloquently as in English, and it frustrated me...but then,
God showed your weakness..I am strong ..and it gives Fermina more confidence and motivation to own the stories and share with the people in the village, instead of relying on you. Wow! Of my weakness...God is glorified even more!
Since that meeting, I've watched Fermina continue to be bold in sharing with other ladies. We were sitting on the soccer field as the kids played around us. I was sharing the Golden Calf story again , explaining to Fermina earlier..that our God is jealous when we give praise to anything other than Him. God gave me this example for Fermina: "What if your daughter came to me saying mama-mama..and crawled in my lap looking for a hug and would not come to would that make you feel? Fermina much..that later that day..she re-shared my example with other ladies after sharing the 10 commandment and Golden Calf story to others. God is definitely starting something in our village.
Filo |
While our friends from Lima were visiting, Chris and Daniel were able to meet with a guy named Filo. Chris had talked with him on several occasions..sharing many bible stories with him. He always said he needed to make a choice but he knew there would be a cost. He wasn't sure if he wanted to count the cost. It would mean being different from others, not participating in the saints festivals each month, possibly losing friendships. We were so glad Filo understood that there is a cost to following Christ and there is a change that happens. The day that Chris was going to drive our friends back to Lima, Filo came by with a huge smile on his face...just as Daniel and Chris were packing the truck. Filo said he was ready! He said he had follow Jesus!! Let the people say...AMEN! We were so excited for him and can't wait to speak with him in a few days when we return from the city. Our friend Daniel is coming back with us for 4-5 days to continue to help Chris share with the men.

While the Alabama team was visiting, there was much work to be done. They came at a time when the village plaza was being redone. So our men and my new friend Lori, rolled up their sleeves and began to help. Chris and the men helped move bricks and sand upstairs to assist some of our friends in building a second floor to a restaurant that we often visit: Victoria and Innocente's restaurant: a team favorite. All of the team helped by using a sledgehammer in busting the existing sidewalk and the girls used a 'barreta' to break up the concrete from the rocks and shoveled them in separate piles to be carried off later. After much work, I bought some inca cola and solo cups and we all sat down for a break...and what a great time to share some bible stories:) The men were also able to help Chris reconstruct the wall in our backyard to make it easier for him to pull his truck around the corner into our massive black gate:) We worked so hard this past trip!

There is so much goodness going on in our village and persecution as well. So many stories to share that it would take a I gave you the highlights. At this moment, our roof is being elevated and reconstructed to better suit our family and teams. The man who is doing it is named Martin. I've been praying for Chris to have the opportunity to meet with Martin...he is Fermina's husband! We have been praying for him but has always been out of town working construction and Chris never had a chance to even see him in the village...low and behold...God brings him to our house just like God brought Fermina to our house!!! So now, we get to pay Fermina's family to fix our roof...give money to the one christian family in the village and Chris gets a week to help work with Martin and share bible stories with him in a natural setting!! Seriously Folks! God is so good!

So..with all of that..I hope you are encouraged as we bring 2016 to a close. Our kids our doing wonderful. They are making friends and home-school is going well. Pray for our family as we approach rainy season in Jan. and Feb. (hard rain..each day from 1-6 pm) pray for creativity and patience..for a local place for Chris and I to invite people to learn about God's word. Pray for our language and for boldness for the people we meet with to stand firm as the Catholic priest persecutes them in school classes, in front of others and says over the village loud speaker not to listen to the foreigners sharing their religion..that Catholicism is the only true much going on right now. We love you guys and pray you have a very Merry CHRISTmas and a Blessed New Year!
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