Who is the Author of your Story?
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he
created him; male and female he created them. “ Let’s talk about this for a
minute. This clearly tells us that God is our creator. He is the one who made
us and knows everything about us. To further prove this point, the bible tells
us that he knit us in our mother’s womb and knows all of the hairs on our
head. All that being said, then why do
we struggle so much with allowing him to lead our life? Well, of course it is
our sin nature. We want control and want to direct our own path, yet everywhere
in God’s word, he reminds us time and time again that it is 'He' that knows what
is best for us. He is trying to lovingly
and gently restore, redeem and lead us to a life of freedom. He wants us to let
go of the pen and give it back to Him, allowing Him again to be the author of
our story.

John Piper says it like this, “If there is a God, as I believe there
is, and if he rules the world in his sovereignty, as the Bible says he does,
and if he will bring human history to a close according to his plan and appoint
to every person his eternal destiny, as Jesus taught that he will, then two of
the most important questions for any human being to answer are these:
1. What
is God’s goal in creating and governing the world?
2. How can I bring my life into alignment with
that goal?
For if we don’t know his
goal and our lives are not in alignment with it, then we will find ourselves at
cross-purposes with God and excluded from his kingdom in the age to come. “
end quote.
When God says he made us for his glory, he
does not mean he made us so that he could become more glorious in himself. Instead what Isaiah 43:7 means is that
he created us to DISPLAY his glory, that is, that his glory might be known and
praised. This is the goal of God with which we must be aligned in our hearts
and actions if we hope to escape his wrath at the judgment. So
how do we do that? What sorts of
things must we think and feel and do for God to get glory from us? I’ve always
wondered these things to and the bible tells us ‘love the Lord your God with
all of your heart, soul and mind’ it also says ‘trust in the Lord with all of
your heart, lean not on your OWN understanding, in all your ways acknowledge
Him and He will direct your paths’ . After reading these verses, my take away
from them is that God wants us to love, trust, follow and obey Him. He wants to
be the author again of our story, so that we can rest in knowing we are
fulfilling His purpose for our life. We
must surrender our own personal agendas, trust in Him as our King, and then
represent Him faithfully in the world.
of my greatest desires is to know and trust God like Abraham did in the bible.
He trusted that God was going to provide a ram in the thicket when he was asked
to sacrifice his only son Isaac. I also want to know and trust God like the
widow in 1 Kings 17 who did as Elijah the prophet asked and trusted that God
would continue to refill her jug of oil and that her jar of flour would not run
out until God sent rain. Even when they couldn’t see His plan and what was
going on around them seemed to make no sense, they fully trusted and obeyed the
Lord. I want that and pray for it daily.
are trying, here in Peru, to trust in God’s plans for us and for the people of
Ayaviri. I often think of the parable of the sower living here on the farm. We
know that God has asked us to be here at this time in our lives, and that means
there must be some fertile soil around here. I’ll admit, it can be discouraging
at times when we scatter the seeds of the gospel and it keeps landing on the
thorny soil or the rocky soil. We have to continue to ask God- where is the
fertile soil? Whom should we invest in, and where should we begin planting?
Left up to us, we’d lack the wisdom and guidance of the Lord and be scattering
seeds in all the wrong directions.
I don’t think sharing God’s word with EVERYONE is a waste of time, but we are trying to
plant and yield fruit here, and that takes God’s leading and direction. This is the part where prayer comes in to play.
Pray that in 2018-God makes it very clear who we need to go deeper with. Pray that we find the fertile soil and can
begin planting and watering more this year. Our goal is to make God known and
that the Holy Spirit helps the people to recognize their sin and need for a
savior. Once they decide to follow Jesus and allow him to write out their
story, then we can continue teaching them how to love, trust and obey him which
brings Him glory! The interesting thing is that the two ladies who are believers
are already asking, “How do I glorify God?” The ones that are seeking Him want
to know and we can’t wait to continue showing them how great our God is!
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